Monday, January 12, 2015

T-Minus 36 Hours or so...

T-minus 36 hours and our lives will never be the same...  

~It will not just be the two of us, we won't be able to pick up and do/go whatever/wherever WE want, movies and restaurants will be non-existent, the earplugs have found a new home in the trash, but I have a feeling that none of that will matter one bit at all anymore.  

It seems like I have been pregnant for a hot second, but on the other hand, Brad and I have been talking about this moment for approximately 274 days (give or take).  I have been blessed by God with a healthy, easy pregnancy, besides the kidney infection 4-day staycation at the hospital in October.  (Just got that bill two days ago... Awesome timing.  Thanks St. Tammany Hospital.)  But other than that little hiccup, piece of cake. 

It's a wrap - At least for while.  Will miss my little besties:)

 To HW from HW....

 Week 39 and one last dinner out....

 Sweet pictures from sweet kids (I hope I can swaddle Ledger that well - Dang girl!), beautiful flowers delivered Friday from two sweet Dallas friends - Thanks Jeaneal and Steph, Brad's twin air mattress for our room, homemade cookies for family and nurses and last but not least,  bags are packed!)  I swear it looks like we are moving in. (You haven't seen my husband pack.  Worse than me.  Shhhh!)  They may die when they see us haul in all of our STUFF!  It's a tad overkill, but this is definitely our first rodeo.  

Now, to keep my mind busy today running errands, making an airport trip to get Bob and Bebo, and just envisioning what a fun ride this is going to be with Brad and Ledger.  It makes me so emotional to see how giddy and excited Brad is.  Undoubtedly, he will be an amazing father - I just know it.  

And if I can be half the mother that my mother has been to our family, I am in great shape!

Dear Sweet Ledger - 

We cannot wait until your birthday tomorrow!  We have prayed for this moment for over a year, and now realize it will be the best day of our lives.  You are already so loved by so many people.  Mommy and Daddy cannot wait to hold you in our arms and fall even more in love with you.  We cannot thank you enough for joining our family of two...  Love you more than you will ever know or understand...

Mom and Dad

P.S. If you could have your Dad's calm demeanor and high level of patience, that would save us a lot of stress.  Thanks!:)



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