Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Well, it is my first official day of summer and someone was up at 6:15 in addition to eating at 12:02 am AND at 4:15 am.  Sigh....  Well, at least he is in a good mood!

Well, the 2014-2015 school year is in the books.  What a great year it was with my sweet, little students.  Loved that they were able to be involved with my pregnancy and Ledger. 

Annual End of Year Paper Toss..... (You would have thought I gave each one a 50 dollar bill!)  Sheer Bliss...

Going to miss these cuties....

Especially sweet, little Emma!
 And that's a wrap!
DeDe flew in from San Antonio on Thursday night!  We were thrilled that she was here for 5 whole days....  Ledger was not short for any ATTENTION.  But isn't that what a Grandma is for!:)  
 Loves his Dede...

She would send Brad and I pictures on Friday and Tuesday while we were hard at work!
We cannot thank DeDe enough for coming to stay with us.  She took EVERY middle of night feeding AND the early morning feeding!  WHAT?!?!?!?!?!  I am NOT LYING.  It was complete heaven.  I don't think I have ever been so happy to see someone taking that monitor with them to bed every night!  No guilt here.  I have never felt so rested since Ledger has been here on this Earth.  Brad and I slept 8-9 hours SEVERAL nights in a row.  Hands down - THE BEST GIFT EVER...  Since DeDe is gone, anyone who wants to come over for those two am feedings, you are more than welcome!
We also got to run errands, have adult only lunches, and even bought "Ledger" a new, bigger ride!
 Discussing cars over lunch and a champagne cocktail!  And a Corona...

And there the Caddy goes.  Off to Cadillac heaven....
 Heading home after a long, fun adult day....

Dinner before taking DeDe to the airport...

We love you DeDe soooo much...  Ledger has a new bestie for sure!
Ledger had five days with DeDe and now Ledge and I are headed to Bob and Bebo's on Saturday.  
His first plane ride.  With me....  ALONE.  No Brad.  I am already having anxiety... But can't wait to get home!:)
Have a wonderful week all...

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mother's Day 2015...

What an amazing first Mother's Day it was!  Weekend full of sleep and gluttony all with my two favorite guys!  

It all started with Brad telling me that he would take the 1 am feedings on BOTH Friday and Saturday night!  WHAT?!?!?!  I almost cried tears of joy because I knew that I was about to be reunited with my long-lost pals Ambien and ear plugs.  

I didn't need ANY other gift, recognition, NOTTA.... This was enough gift for ME!

 Brad did cook an amazing meal Saturday night!

Sea of pink from Ledger and Daddy on Sunday...

Love this onesie that Daddy ordered!  I think L loved it too!:)

My favorite two guys...

Brunch after church...  L is getting quite ginormous.  Dude can EAT!

 And I thank this lady so very much for modelling what the true meaning of a "Mother" looks like!

Short post today, but I am TIRRRREEEEDDD.  The end of school always kicks my BOOTIE!  So many end-of-year-activities, grades due, IEP's, meetings galore, cleaning out your classroom, and dealing with needy kids the last two weeks of school.  (If I heard my name once today....  I heard it 49,765 times.  And yes, I am a teacher and Mrs. Wainscott is what they call me, but after "Mrs. Wainscott, where do I turn this paper in?" and "Mrs.Wainscott, I found this paperclip.  What do I do with it?" - (Ummmm it's the last week of school so I refuse to answer question #1 and as for question #2, how about stick it in your nose, ear or eyeball?  No, I didn't answer those questions that way, but are you kidding me?!)  Sigh...

7.5 days left!  Time for this girl to get some rest.  Well, until 1:30 am:)

Have a great week all!



Monday, May 4, 2015

Perdido Key...

What a fun weekend it was...  AND nothing says fun like taking a 3.5 month old to the beach!  

All kidding aside, it was a pretty great trip.  But beach trips are sure different with a baby...Let me tell you!

The Wainscott 3 loaded up bright and early Friday morning to head to Perdido Key, Florida.  One good thing about living in Louisiana is that we are super close to Florida.  It was a 3 hour drive door-to-door!  Now that is AWESOME.  The Gerhardt's were already at their family condo,  so we couldn't wait to join them.  The other two families were coming a little later on Friday.  

SO......  4 couples with 6 kids ranging from 3.5 months to 4 yrs. old!  WOOHOO!  Talk about a party.

It was just want I needed; to get out of town, breathe in some fresh, ocean air, and get some much needed color!  BOY, this chic was WHITE...  And like my mom always said;  Tan fat looks better than white fat!

 And we were off!

YES!  Perfection...

Ahhhhh....  What a great view for the next two days!

My little "BFF"...

OVER.IT for this photo op!

Just two babes, a quilt and some toys...

Fun Saturday at the beach.

This is where L spent most of the hour we were at the beach.  No all day beach trips with a baby!

 Ledger made some sweet friends.  He loved Miss Kennedy!

We celebrated Rachel's birthday...  These two were chomping at the bit to sink their teeth into this cake!

#1 - HELP MOM!
#2 - What do you want Greta?
#3 - Ok, maybe we can hold hands. Just for a minute though...
#4 - Greta is smiling AND holding my forearm.  Maybe she does like younger men, Mom!

The weekend is already over.  You gotta be kidding me! 

Well, the countdown is on.  13.5 days of school left...  Where did this year go!?!?  It has flown by for sure.

Have a great week all!

