Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Saturday Night of Fun...

Oh Saturday nights.  How you have changed...

When Brad and I lived in Dallas, our Saturday nights looked quite different than they do here in Louisiana, especially since our favorite day of 1-13-15.   Now yes, we were still dating and then engaged during our Dallas days, (and the woo'ing factor was OUT OF CONTROL on Brad's part...) - So yes, it was fancy dinners, a new wine bar, concerts, dinners with other childless couples, or hanging out late until the wee hours of the night just talking with Brad!  Boy, while dating we could chat.  About EVERYTHING... We would look up and it would be 2-3 am, we will still be chatting and having that last glass of vino.  (AND boy was that DUMB.  No one should be having a glass of Pinot Grigio at 3:00 am.

Fast forward two years....  Here we are in Louisiana, and my my how everything has changed!

So last Saturday night, the hubs and I bathed and fed Ledger, and then put him down around 8:00pm.  He had been happy as a clam all day long, so I knew it:  This was the night.  THE NIGHT that he would sleep all night long.  I had a really good feeling about it......

And then Brad and I climbed into bed, put on a Dateline, and were both passed out by 9:35.  Like I said...  Times have changed.

Around 10:15, we hear blood curling screams from the dreaded monitor.  ("You have got to be kidding me" - I may have thought selfishly to myself), but then the panic started to set in.  My child does not scream.  Whimper, the pathetic half-cry for food and attention - yes, but 'cut your right arm off scream' - not at all.

So Brad and I sprinted up the dreaded twenty stairs and busted into the nursery.  Ledger was still screaming....  Well, he must be hungry we thought!  Brad brought up a bottle and Ledger wanted NOTHING to do with it.  AND this kid is a Hodges and a Wainscott:  He loves to EAT.  So over his screams and me holding him, Brad and I discovered that he has not pooped all day.  Well, crap.  Literally.....  That was "THE" problem.  His stomach was as hard as a rock....  I will spare you ALL the details, but for the next four long, excruciating hours,  this is what we dealt with.  It was heart breaking to see him in so much pain.  I was a basket case, so thank God for my chill, never in a tizzy husband.  I mean, trying to get a 3 month old to POOP is quite a task.  

So we alternated prune juice, pear juice, warm baths, gas drops, me holding him, Brad holding him, frantic midnight calls to Mom, but there was NOTHING we could do but wait it out.  He finally passed out, and Brad and I got about 45 minutes of sleep.  At 2:30, he was crying and I told Brad to sleep and I would take this one.  I opened his door in the hopes of smelling something horrendously rank (I know - What has my life become), but nothing!  Just one hungry and exhausted baby.....  Ledger pounded 9 oz.  He was starving.  

We are well hydrated at the Wainscott household....

So, 20 minutes later I groggily tread BACK down the stairs and climbed into bed.  Brad said he would do the next one, SOOOOOOO I gladly moved the monitor to his side of the bed, happily inserted my ear plugs and drifted off to sleep dreaming about sleep, fancy dinners and wine....

At 5:30, I felt Brad climb out of bed and I sure did play possum.  Dead...  It was his turn!  Fast forward an HOUR later....  Brad comes trudging into the bedroom.  I felt him get into bed and asked "What happened?  Why did that take so long?"

IT HAD HAPPENED...  Yes, that IT!

All over the chair, his pajamas, a burp cloth, and all over Brad...  Little did I know Brad had to jump into the shower upstairs and start a HUGE load of laundry.  It was BAD...

Poor guy.  I felt sorry for him for about a minute, but then we both drifted off to dreamland.  

So after that horrendous night, we took turns napping all day Sunday.  Didn't make it to church because Ledger can't drive and I don't think Brad nor I could have driven there in the state of exhaustion we were in.  

 Yes, this would be Sunday afternoon.  Brad is dead asleep here....  
L is like, "What's your problem Dad, I feel great!"

So, as you can see, we are a far cry from our "old" Saturday night outings, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  Well, maybe without the constipation and screaming.

Moral of the Story:  When baby is constipated, always take the FIRST feeding...

Have a great Friday!



Thursday, April 16, 2015

A Special Visit from Brandi and Merlin....

What a super fun weekend it was for the Wainscott's!  Brandi flew in for a visit.  Boy, did this Momma need to see this lady! Good for the heart and soul.  Little Ledger loved his Auntie Brandi and thoroughly enjoyed their special time together on Friday.  He pretty much wouldn't even look at me when I got home from work on Friday; All eyes and smiles were on Miss B.

Brandi is a one of a kind friend.  So loyal and would do anything for you at the drop of a hat.  And funny...  This girl can have me rolling!  Her sense of humor and sometimes snarky/sarcastic ways keep me laughing all.the.time.  And her TEXTS.  The best ever.  Hate that she lives so far away, but our time is oh so sweet we would do see each other.

Love these sweet friends.  And love Lola!

Well, Ledger has officially had his first haircut..... from his MOTHER...  I couldn't take it any longer.

After taking this pic on Sunday afternoon, I thought, "WELL, Good Lord!"  Obviously, L was having a horrendous hair day, but you can't do much with 4 inches sticking up from the top of your head I guess. (Someone has some THIGHS)....

So a Momma's got to do what a Momma's got to do!  I haven't taken an after picture, but trust me....  SO much better.  The mohawk is still there, don't worry....  Just a smidge more tamed!  

AND my my, how Ledger has changed!  Filling out so much and getting bigger by the day.  Love this precious little 3 month face...

Don't ask and Ledger, I am sorry....

In ALL attempts to get my child to sleep through the night, a mother will do crazy things!  A friend showed me a pic of the Magic Merlin Suit and then sent me the link to it last Saturday night.  I looked at the site (for about 1 minute) and ordered this bad boy off Amazon as soon as my fingers could click "BUY!"  It is supposed to help transition from the swaddle to this between 3-6 months and have your baby sleeping THROUGH the night in no time at all.

I was adamant to try it out Tuesday night...  Even though L had a rash on his face and the beginning stages of an ear infection...  (HELLACIOUS week people)  it probably wasn't the best night to try it, but Heather's stubborn mind was set (and my husband was shaking his head saying..."I told you so.")

He made it in the "Sumo Fat Suit" from 8-midnight, then Brad fed him and back in the sucker until 2:30.  I then fed and stuck him back in the suit and the proceeded to watch him for an HOUR flail his chubby arms and legs all around his crib, all without a peep coming out of him.  He looked like a wounded beetle that had accidentally flipped onto his back with his 6 little legs flailing trying to get flipped back over.  It was sad, pathetic and exhausting to watch.  SOOOOOOO.....  AT 3:35, Ledger went back in the Miracle Blanket and in the Day Dreamer.

Maybe it was too soon for the almighty Magical Merlin Suit...  Well, that is what "Maureen" said when I emailed the company yesterday. Oh, yes I did.....  I am THAT Mom.

So with Maureen's advice, I'll try again in a week or two....

Happy Thursday!




Thursday, April 9, 2015

Easter 2015...

What a whirlwind trip to Texas it was....  And travelling with an 11 week old.  I am still tired just thinking about it!  Little guy did pretty well...  But by Sunday, he was OVER.IT...  I think the more we travel with him, the easier it will become.  He better be ready because June 1st, comes a Mommy and Ledger trip ALONE, on a plane, to the Texas Panhandle...  

Just typing that gives me anxiety.....

Well, the Principal's test came and went.  SO Brad drops me off and was going to come back and get me 3 hours later.  Little did we know, he should of NEVER dropped me off.  Long story short, my names did not match up;  SERIOUSLY? -  Can you NOT make a judgement call?
  • Driver's License Name:  Heather Shalyn Wainscott
  • TEA Name (Texas Educator's Website):  Heather Hodges Wainscott
SO.....  After 10 minutes of begging, pleading and now SOBBING in the lobby of the testing center, I decided that they were not going to budge, and now I had to call for a ride!  Thankful that my girlfriend Stephanie lives close and swung by and got me.  And she got to meet Ledger because of my error...  That was an expensive $120.00 meeting of two people!:) 

The rest of the weekend was a whirlwind full of family and some friends.  We didn't get to see everybody because it was just too quick of trip, and the "get-up-and-go" no longer exists since little Ledger is now with us.  Those days are LONG.GONE....

 "A 7.5 hour road trip? You have to be kidding me!"

 "And a dumb selfie?" 

"But Mommy in the back seat with me, holding my paci for 7 + hours.... SCORE!"

 About 30 minutes after we pulled into Rockwall, MJ and Ledger were down for the count.  Except one sleeps through the night and one doesn't.  Sigh...

Christy told Marlowe to go get in the picture with Uncle Brad and Ledger.  
Arms length people; that is as close as she would get! Haha...

Bebo and Bob made it!  WOOHOO....

Daddy and Daughter Love...

And when in TX....  My husband's favorite breakfast tacos are from Taco C!  We made one quick stop Saturday morning...  AND when in TX you have to have a chicken fried steak...  AND this one had jalapeno gravy.  HELLO?!

 We were able to see some Dallas friends... Glad they all got to meet little Ledger!

IS it time for church YET?

After church and as good as we could get folks...

Ledger loves his Bob! (If you couldn't tell..)

Marlowe's doll...

After a sad goodbye, and 8 hours later, we got stuck on this gem of a bridge... In the pouring rain with an 11 week old...  I have never been SO EXCITED to be back home in Lousisana.  We were all three pretty over it.

Especially this little dude...

What a fast and furious Texas trip it was.  Never long enough...

Momma has now changed her name and it matches her ID.  All for a %^& test...  Grrrr.

Happy Thursday Everyone!  2 more days and a much needed weekend and we have a special visitor flying in this afternoon from Texas.  Can't wait for Ledger to meet one of Momma's BFF's.  Get here quick Brandi!

