Monday, September 28, 2015

Weekend Happenings...

This weekend was super fun and jammed packed! A haircut, a birthday party, dinner guests and lots of football watching...  (AND the Tech game.  Excruciating loss.)

Yes, it was time.  Time for L to get his first hair cut.  This dude has some hair.  Fine hair like Mommy's that sticks up all over his head like he just stuck his finger in a light socket at all times.

It started out a little rough, but he was a trooper and there were no "real" tears...

 "I survived!"  Head smooshing and all....

 The before and after...

Fresh new do!

Then it was off to our girl, Greta's 1st birthday party!  Boy, were we excited!  Nothing says fun like an inflatable pool filled with colored balls...  Best.idea.ever.  Ledger lived in there for a good hour.

Didn't snap many pics.  The hubs had to work, so nothing says fun like taking an 8 month old alone to a 1 year old's birthday party.  I felt like I had ran a marathon after leaving the party.  

The days of "sitting" are way gone.  

And then there is teething.  Oh dear.  

This cartoon is a little oogie...  Two teeth coming in here in the Wainscott household.  Especially last night from 3:00-4:15.  Poor baby.  And parents:)

BUT, it's a  4 day week for us St. Tammany Teachers... Gotta love the Parish Fair! 



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